IPS PressVest is a phosphate-bonded universal investment material for use with both the speed and conventional heating method.
Its high stability permits the processing of materials with different expansion behavior including milled and printed wax or resin as well as conventional build-up wax. Additional benefits include minimal reaction layer and highly accurate details and fit.
**Please Note: During cold weather, PressVest Premium Liquid cannot be shipped by ground shipping. This item is not freeze stable**
***Please refer to instructions for use for full protocols as they vary depending on speed vs. conventional method and investment ring size.
Mixing Ratios:
Material Mixing Liquid 100g powder 200g powder 300g powder
Concentration Liq : Dist. H20 Liq : Dist. H20 Liq : Dist. H20
IPS e.max Press
Crown/Veneer 70% 18ml:8ml 36ml:8ml -
Inlay/Onlay 60% 16ml:10ml 31ml:21ml -
3 unit bridge 70% - 36ml:16ml -
Hybrid abutment, hybrid
Abutment crown 85% 22ml:4ml 44ml:8ml -
IPS e.max ZirPress 70% 18ml:8ml 36ml:16ml 54ml:24ml
IPS InLine PoM 70% 18ml:8ml 36ml:16ml 54ml:24ml