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Programat P710/G2 110-120V/50-60Hz -- "   The Programat G2 Furnaces have a modern design, intuitive operation and a ..." -- 17 April 2022
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Who are Siladent

As an innovative and independent company in the dental industry, we have acquired a great deal of technical competence associated with distinctive quality products. We want to maintain and cultivate this.
The general economic conditions are changing the old tried and true structures even in dental technology. For our partners in the laboratory and in business, we have produced excellent results in the past and will continue to do so in the future. This is a tradition we feel bound to honour.
Our company philosophy is future-oriented. We will maintain our hold on the market and grow even stronger. The basis for this is motivated staff whose willingness to perform is something we want to maintain and develop further. Only in this way can we do justice to our social commitment and the wishes of our customers and partners.

1014 EN_ISO_13485

What They do

Precisely fitting dental restorations are based on dental gypsum

As we co-operate closely with Dr. Böhme & Schöps Dental GmbH, Goslar, Germany, the renowned gypsum specialists, we are able to supply specific gypsums for the complete range of applications required by dental laboratories. This includes high purity natural, synthetic and semi-synthetic gypsums. Our sales representatives and technical consultants would be pleased to advise you.

Duplicating Techniques - Accurate to within 1/1,000 mm

The SILADENT Duplicating technique is based on extremely stable silicones which reproduce details very accurately, flow very smoothly and evenly, are durable and tear-resistant, and exhibit Shore A hardness values from 16 to greater than 24. The successful SILADENT system originates from a flaskless duplicating technique using Adisil® blue. The adhesive tape procedure uses stable, non-distorting moulds with the patented SILADENT duplicating system to save up to 35% duplicating material in comparison to duplicating flasks.

High tech investment materials

SILADENT investment materials are always one step ahead in their development.
  • For casting partial frameworks or one-piece bridgework we recommend     the use of our Granisit® and Micro material.
  • For producing precisely fitting precious or non-precious crown and     bridgework using the speed casting technique we recommend     Presto Vest, and for preheating conventionally Silavest KB would be     the material of choice.
  • For universal use of all types of dental alloys plus all ceramic systems     we recommend our Premium investment.
  • For speed casting partial frameworks using a preheated furnace at     1.050 °C we suggest the use of Jet 2000.
We guarantee highly precise castings and continually high quality results for all applications

Absolutely pure CrCo alloys

SILADENT supplies biocompatible, cobalt-based alloys for partial frameworks, various fixed/removable appliances and crown and bridge cases which are highly corrosion-resistant. Their superior mechanical properties allow for slender restoration designs. The following alloys are all suitable for these applications depending on individual requirements: Modiral S, Biral® 2000 H, V-alloy and Keralloy KB.

Accurately designed accessories for the SILADENT technique

The SILADENT ringless investing technique does not impede setting expansion and is easy to use, saving time and clean-up:
  • Silicone sleeves and
  • Plastic sprue formers.
CrCo partial frameworks are invested using patented crepe tape rather than flasks. Surfaces must be prepared:
  • Gipsil enables models to be cast in polyether and silicone moulds     without entrapping bubbles.
  • Neutralit and Neutrasil are used on silicone surfaces.


The SILADENT Dr. Böhme & Schöps GmbH Service department has been expanded to keep abreast of our technical products. Specialized training provides the answer to any question. Our product specialists are available at any time to answer your questions about technical details and materials or even complete systems.

The History of Siladent

1984 Siladent-Technik, an absolute newcomer in the industry, introduces an addition-curing duplicating silicone for the first time, already known then as Adisil®, which is ideal for duplication in the model casting technique and is expected to replace conventional gel duplications. Initially, large divisible special cuvettes made of aluminium are used, which in subsequent years would be replaced by the technically superior and economical flask-free Siladent duplication system.
1984/85 Because the model casting investments available at the time hardly proved suitable for model production in silicone duplications, a separate model casting investment was successfully developed. The result: The first fine-grained model casting investment is introduced under the name Granisit®.
1985/86 The Siladent system is completed. A continuous line of tailor-made materials along with a well thought-out application system leads to results in fit and surface quality, which up to now had not been achievable with the known materials and techniques. The Siladent system comprises: Silicone duplication with Adisil® blue - the new investment Granisit® - the flask-free duplication method with the patented duplicating adhesive duplicating tape ring tape.
1987 The Siladent system is introduced to a large number of interested dental technicians at the IDS in Nuremberg for the first time. In connection with this successful trade fair, Siladent builds up a sales force throughout Germany. Top-trained technicians demonstrate the Siladent system in laboratories. The Siladent system largely replaces the HowMedica system. Nearly all major laboratories in Germany work with Siladent in the model casting area.




1987/88 The first publications appear on Siladent system. Well-known dental companies adopt the methods from the Siladent system partially or wholly. In particular, dental casting technology is substantially influenced and characterised by the knowledge discovered at Siladent.
1989 - 91 From this time onwards, regularly holds exhibits at all national and international dental fairs in Cologne. Branches are established in Spain, Italy and Holland. Additional new developments in the silicone sector. With investments, the product range expands to special compounds for crown and bridge technology -> Silavest KB. Courses start to be held regularly on the combination technique and one-piece casting. Presence at nearly all of Germanys master craft schools thanks to courses and lectures. Courses now start to be held in other countries such as Italy, France, Spain, Scandinavia, the USSR, the USA and Israel. Exhibits held at trade fairs in countries outside Germany, specialist seminars organised, consultancy carried out at national and international congresses.



1994 For the first time, an investment for the speed method, Presto-Vest, is successfully developed for dental casting. A cobalt chrome molybdenum alloy, Keralloy KB, with a Vickers hardness HV of 275, is introduced.
1995 Premium, the universal investment, enters the market and is today probably the best known and most successful speed investment on the market.
1996 In the meantime, speed investments have conquered almost 50% of the German market for processed dental investments. A hard additionally integrating 1:1 modelling silicone, Silaform 90 extra-hard 1 : 1, is developed and launched.
1999/2000 The first addition-curing duplication silicone with hydrophilous properties,Hydrosil 1 : 1, is introduced at the IDS. To this are added more special silicones, such as a transparent duplicating silicone for duplication single dies. Siladent moves its headquarters from Munich to Goslar and there shifts into newly-built administration and production offices.
2001/2002 Siladent-Technik GmbH awards research grants to universities in order to hasten new developments and make additional impressions on the materials sector.
2005 On 9 th Juli 2005, SILADENT Dr. Böhme & Schöps GmbH extended an invitation to their "Open Day" to view the following.
The new Production Hall of dental investments, the new Silo for the production of dental plasters as well as the newly extended Research and Development Lab.
More than 200 invited guests from Government, commercial sector, Community, the press and Visitors from abroad have been present at SILADENT Dr. Böhme & Schöps GmbH, located in Jerstedt, a suburb of Goslar.
During the guided tour, a total of about 400 interested people took the opportunity of having a glimpse behind the scenes and showed their admiration for the new complex.



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