Living Tooth Mould Chart BlueLine Teeth Shade A2
SR Vivodent DCL/SR Postaris DCL 1x 576325
SR Vivodent DCL/SR Orthotyp DCL 1x 576324
SR Vivodent DCL/SR Ortholingual DCL 1x 576322
SR Vivodent DCL/SR Orthoplane DCL 1x 576323
These Living Tooth Mould Charts contain tooth lines in one shade.
They are the ideal tool for direct tooth selection – with the patient, but also in the laboratory. All available moulds are arranged according to groups.
Utilizing the same contemporary tooth selection philosophy as the FormSelector™, the BlueLine Living mouldguide is designed to eliminate confusion and provide concise predictable results. Contains the following popular BlueLine denture teeth:
• SRVivodent® DCL (Anterior)
• SROrthoplane® DCL (0 degree)
• SROrtholingual® DCL (15 Degree)
• SROrthotyp® DCL (22 Degree)
• SRPostaris® DCL (33 Degree)