Dr. Balzer® Impression plaster
Precision impression plaster with peppermint taste
pink, white
Natural material
Reduces patients nausea as a result of its pleasant flavour and smell. The impressions are extremely accurated and can be removed from the cast with ease. Dr. Balzer impression plaster is also suitable for articulation works.
Same material as former HOKA impression plaster.
Dental gypsum type II
Produced of pure Alabaster of the Harz Mountains, contains a quarter of hard stone. Moulds made with this alabaster plaster are volume constant and solid.
Controlled expansion.
Long setting time: 18 - 22 minutes
Recommendation: study models, fixing of situation casts.
Colour: natural white
Made of pure Alabaster of the Harz mountains with share of 25 % of hard stone.
A material with controlled expansion values you can produce volume constant and
solid moulds with.
Short setting time: 10 - 12 minutes.
Recommendation: study models, fixing of situation casts.
Colour: natural white
Is used for laboratory work, when hard stone is too and the conventional plaster is too soft. Dura Semi-Hard Plaster is especially suitable for working on plastics. With this plaster best results can be achieved.
Recommendation: acrylic dentures, repairs, relines.
Colour: natural white
Colour: green
Colour: blue
Dental gypsum type III
Natural material
Neo Marmorit has a good volume stabilityand shape, is highly pressure resistant and has a smooth surface. These are all outstanding properties for the manufacture of protheses with a perfect fit, whether it is out of hard stone, precious metals or steel alloys. Also available as Neo Marmorit Speed, where a quick setting time (6-7 min.)is desired.
working and checkbite casts, acrylic dentures, repairs, relines, situation casts.
Colour: blue
Colour: green
Colour: yellow
Natural material (orthodontics)
A volume-retaining dental hard stone, which is used for orthodontics. Its smooth surface and high pressure resistance are special characteristics of this natural hard stone.
Recommendation: working and checkbite casts, acrylic dentures, repairs, relines,situation casts, orthodontics, very white show models.
Colour: white
A special formulated dental stone with a high setting expansion. This special gypsum is used for the model creation and the investing during the use with dental acrylics where a high expansion is necessary to compensate the shrinkage of the acrylic dentures (e.g. SR Ivocap Injection System). Neo Marmorit® E is usable for all acrylic dentures.
Recommendation: acrylic dentures
Colour: white
Natural material
Especially suitable for prosthetics and orthodontics because of special choice and raw matirials and selected production process.
Recommendation: working and checkbite casts, acrylic dentures, repairs, relines, situation casts.
Colour: blue
Colour: yellow
Colour: green
Colour: natural white
Natural material
A special short setting double grained hard stone for quick repairs and urgent works. The model surface is very smooth with a high compressivs strength. Due its quick setting time the gypsum model can be removed after 10 - 15 minutes and further works completed on it.
Recommendation: working and checkbite casts, acrylic dentures, repairs, relines, situation casts.
Colour: yellow
Natural material
Mixture of type 3 + 4
Casts have a smooth surface, are pressure resistant and retain their shape. This is ideal hard stone for parodontal bracing, metal plates, supported prothese in precious metals and steel, for regulation work and all other operations calling for the greatest possible accuracy of fit and hardnes.
working and checkbite casts, acrylic dentures, repairs, relines, situation casts.
Colour: white
Colour: grey
Colour: mint
Natural material (orthodontics)
It is used for orthodontic casts and study models, easy to mix, has a good fluidity and is harder than ordinary otrhodontic hard stones, Easy to grind and polish. Furthermore a shiny, ultra white surface can be achieved.
orthodontics, very white show models.
Colour: snow white
Sythetic material
Synthetic hard stone for orthodontics and prosthitics. Especially suitable for show models and similar purposes.
Recommendation: working and checkbite casts, acrylic dentures, repairs, relines, situation casts, orthodontics, very white show models.
Colour: blue
Dental gypsum type IV
Resin-stabilized material
Marmoplast® N is possessing a high edge stability and low expansion.
Marmoplast® N is not brittle and does not splinter as easily as other super hard stones. Super smooth surface especially high fluidity.
Recommedation: crown and bridge models, implant models, master models with precious/ non-precious alloys, control models.
Colour: ivory
Colour: apricot
Colour: pearl grey
Colour: golden brown
Synthetic material
An exceptional super hard stone of type 4 with low setting expansion, high accuracy of fit, special fluidity and a smooth and resistant surface.
crown and bridge models, implant models, master models with precious/ non-precious alloys, control models, checkbite casts.
Colour: golden brown
Colour: white
Natural material
For stump casts, crowns and bridges, high accuracy of fit as a result of low setting expansion, very smooth and hard surface.
Recommendation: crown and bridge models, implant models, master models with precious/non-precious alloys and VMK-technique, control models.
Colour: peach
Special stone for CAD-CAM systems(e.g. Cerec)
CAM-Stone N has been developed for opto-electronic scanning. It prevents interfering reflections in the defined wavelengths. By using CAM-Stone N the coating of the gypsum model is not necessary. The short setting time allows a fast chairside treatment.
For opto-electronic scanning (e.g. Cerec-System), crown and bridge models, master casts with precious and non-precious alloys.
Colour: salmond-coloured
Colour: ivory
Natural material
A fine flowing super hard stone of exeptional hardness. Outstanding edge stability and compressive strength, very good resistance to scratching and breakage while having a minimum expansion. Also available as Marmorock® Speed,where a quick setting time (6 - 7 min.) is desired.
crown and bridge models, implant models, master models with precious/ non-precious alloys, control models, checkbite-casts.
Marmorock® 20 Colour: golden brown
Marmorock® 20 Colour: yellow
Marmorock® 20 Colour: green
Marmorock® 20 Colour: white
Synthetic material
A super hard stone of type 4 made of mineral raw and synthetic additives.This gypsum is ideally suited for stump and saw casts and guarantees constant processing and setting properties.
Recommendation: Crown and bridge models, implant models, master models with precious/ non-precious alloys and VMK-technique, control models, working and checkbite casts, orthodontics, very white show models.
Colour: pink
Colour: white
Natural material
This material is excellently suitable for precision works. Its high degree of hardness provides good trimability and the outstanding scratch and pressure resistance are ideal for the production of crowns, bridges and partial dentures.
crown and bridge models, implant models, master models with precious/ non-precious alloys, control models.
Colour: golden brown
Colour: green
Colour: white
Natural material
Universal super hard stone for crowns and bridges, very smooth and hard surface. Its low setting expansion ensures a high accuracy of fit. Thanks to its identical expansion value and contrasting colours, ideally suited for use as a base material in conjunction with Die Keen.
crown and bridge models, implant models, master models with precious/ non-precious alloys anf VMK-technique, control models, working and checkbite casts.
Colour: pink
Natural material
A fine flowing super hard stone of exeptional hardness. Outstanding edge stability and compressive strength, very good resistance to scratching and breakage while having a minimum expansion. Also available as Marmorock® Speed,where a quick setting time (6 - 7 min.) is desired.
crown and bridge models, implant models, master models with precious/ non-precious alloys, control models, checkbite-casts.
Marmorock® 22 Colour: golden brown
Marmorock® 22 Colour: yellow
Marmorock® 22 Colour: green
Marmorock® 22 Colour: white
Natural material
A fine flowing super hard stone of exeptional hardness. Outstanding edge stability and compressive strength, very good resistance to scratching and breakage while having a minimum expansion. Also available as Marmorock® Speed,where a quick setting time (6 - 7 min.) is desired.
crown and bridge models, implant models, master models with precious/ non-precious alloys, control models, checkbite-casts.
Marmorock® 24 Colour: golden brown
Marmorock® 24 Colour: yellow
Marmorock® 24 Colour: green
Marmorock® 24 Colour: white
Natural material
A special short setting super hard stone for carrying out urgent repairs and urgent works where a high compressive strength, low expansion and thixotopic properties are desired. Due it's quick setting time the gypsum model can be removed after 10 - 15 minutes and further work complete on it.
crown and bridge models, implant models, master models with precious/ non-precious alloys, control models.
Colour: golden brown
For the setting of dental coronae, pre-walls, reamed sockets, and the fixing of inner linings and orthodontic models. With this setting base stone, the expansion properties are adjusted to suet type 4 super hard stone, tension-free models and the accurate introduction of pins.
Recommendation: sockets for master models if using Dowelpins, pin systems.
Colour: pink
Colour: white
Colour: yellow
An extremly fine-flowing super hard stone for basing models without using a vibrator. The powder-water-mixture can be directly poured out of the mixing bowl in to the base former.
Recommendation: sockets for master models if using Dowelpins, pin systems
Dental gypsum type V
Natural material
A fine flowing thixotropic super hard stone, which offers extraordinaryhardness made of high purity natural stone. Its high expansion compensates for the contractionof other material. Marmorock® Ehas a high scrtch and fracture resistance and is especially suitable for first class prothesis.
crown and bridge models, master models with precious/ non-precious alloys, working and checkbite casts, control models, acrylic dentures.
Colour: golden brown
Natural material
Because of the high compressive strength and the good scratch resistance it is perfect for many requirements. It is high compensates for the contraction of other materials.
crown and bridge models, master models with precious/ non-precious alloys and VMK-technique, working and checkbite casts, control models, acrylic dentures.
Colour: green
Colour: golden brown
Natural material
Avery hard but not brittle super hard stone. Ideally suitable for demanding prosthethic work (crown and bridges, model castings etc.). High accuracy of fit, suitable for all imression materials. An extra fine grain ensures a very smooth surface.
crown and bridge models, implant models, master models with precious/ non-precious alloys, control models.
Auxiliary gypsum materials
Gypsum/Gypsum separating agent
A specially developed gypsum/gypsum separating agent for
use with Base stone FL, Splitcast and model systems. Also
separates gypsum from acrylic. Marmosep G dries quickly,
seals the surface effectively and does not create a greasy
film. Application: Spray the gypsum model at a distance of
approx. 20 cm and allow to dry. Do not allow puddles� to
build up!